One day I hope to be a patron of the Arts. Until then I can only appreciate it. I could probably do more, but so could you. I believe an important tradition of DTI civilizations throughout history has been the financial support of artists in urban communities. Many of the great renaissance painters and sculptors worked primarily for wealthy families such as the Medici family of Italy. Art can be painstaking and hard work, yet its intrinsic value lies in the audiences’ appreciation. The Day, Months or hours spent to create art have very little relevance to its liquidity. The majority of people around the world work in jobs where a monetary value has been placed on a person’s time depending on their skill, knowledge or ability to perform a specific task better than another. This is the reason why postmodern art can be considered brilliant and groundbreaking or silly and absurd. Yet there are many people that are willing to pay a great deal of money to have something groundbreaking or absurd in their East Hampton summer home, if it portrays a sense of creativity, intelligence and class in the owner of that art.

Art is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These are obvious statements but need to be said. There are still many patrons of the arts that believe in the purity of individuality and expression regardless of art community trends or the opinions of people living South of Houston Street in New York or La Rive Droite en Paris. Shanghai is the home of a modern day wealthy patron that chose to stand in the face of contemporary trends and chose to have strong nationalistic ties to her heritage, culture and art community. The person I am talking about is Pearl Lam. Wealthy socialite and patron of the ever-growing Shanghai art community. Pearl Lam is so DTI it hurts. She is like the Medici’s and Louis the 14th rolled into one. Pearl Lam a socialite jet setter that is known for her flamboyant couture shopping spree’s in Paris and in the opposite spectrum an outspoken advocate for Chinese art and artists. Pearl is the daughter of a wealthy Hong Kong Banking and Textiles tycoon(Lim Por-yen).

Her inheritance has allowed her to open up galleries in London and Shanghai, bringing Chinese contemporary art to the world. We need more Pearl Lams out there and maybe, just maybe, if we all looked deep down inside ourselves, we’d find our own lil’ Pearl Lam. Support your local artists in whatever way you can. I’d rather have future civilizations look back on our society as brilliant or absurd, then the civilization that pioneered reality television.
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