So to start this post. It's not going to be an informative piece about a musician, clothing line, art or industrial design from Norway. This post is going to help me piece together and recount the intensity of Saturday July 19th till Sunday Evening July 20th. I will have to omit some parts of the story for self preservation purposes, but here we go. I have the unforunate position in life at this moment where I often find myself working on weekends (not my choice), but it's good money. So I get off work at 11:00pm and proceed to drive home and create what some might call one of the greatest mix cd's ever made. It has the power to entrance, create mayhem and enrage the proletariat. After I proceed to gather identification, social lubricant (The new Grey Goose mickey) and my amazing new mix, I proceed to hop into a car that far exceeds my salary level now and for probably a couple years to come. It's not stolen and I don't "hustle" on the block. It's my fathers. I then proceed in this fine German Driving Machine down the 401 in lovely Southern Ontario with beats cranked and the city lights of Toronto off in the distance. There is a slight drizzle occurring and I make note of this while consistently checking my blind spots and adjusting my speed, while keeping my hands at 10 & 2. I'm consistent. I notice in my rear view mirror that a car is coming up behind me at quite a pace and I'm wondering what the hell someone is doing crowding me on an empty highway at 12:30 in the morning. It just so happens that it was a Police Officer that was suggesting I should pull over. I then decided to comply with the officers order to pull over and I thought to myself how can I diffuse the situation. In general I over analyze situations and I thought to myself. If I really want to make the Cobrasnake after party and avoid a ticket I must find the perfect track on my mix cd to play while the officer approaches the car. I decided against hip-hop, because I fear the connotations a police officer might come up with of a young man driving a car that most likely exceeds his means at 12:30 in the morning while blaring hip-hop. Even I know how this would end. I then decide against electronic music, because he'll probably assume I'm "on" something or going to be supplying the "something" to a party later that evening. So I narrowed my choices; two retro tracks on the disc. Either Van Halens 'Jump' or The theme song from COPS 'Bad Boys' by Inner Circle. (I kid you not) Earlier that day I felt an urge to put this song on the cd and it saved me. I rolled down the window and as the officer was approaching the car the song came on and he actually began to laugh. He then proceeded to tell me that I was a bit over the speed limit and it was somewhat rainy, so I should watch my speed. He then told me that I helped fulfill a dream of his as a cop to hear the COPS Theme while on duty. We both laughed and I didn't pay a ticket. Fin.
I made the party. More to come
1 comment:
Great story! I can't believe you didn't tell me this when I saw you on Saturday night. This is the stuff you tell grandkids.
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