Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
The 80's - Creator of the power-pop-ballad-anthem
Bonnie Tyler- Holdin
Pat Benatar - Love is a battlefield
Nirvana en una interpretación acústica de su canción All Apologies. La verdad que me gusta esta versión.
Friday, August 29, 2008
New Kanye West video - Good Morning
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thank you Alexander Wang

Calvin Klein. Designer or Subversive Mastermind

Monday, August 18, 2008
Hollywood, Hollywouldn't...Hollywould if she could.
Lali Puna - Faking the Books
Ladyhawke - Paris is Burning
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Top 5 DTI Fictional Characters

and ........ 5) Gordon Gecko from the Oliver Stone 80's Classic 'Wall Street'
Michael Douglas gave us some amazing lines, but this one is my favorite.
"The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation. It's bullshit. You got ninety percent of the American public out there with little or no net worth. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it. Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy? It's the free market. And you're a part of it. You've got that killer instinct. Stick around pal, I've still got a lot to teach you."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
DTI Loves Art and Artists LOVE DTI

Art is subjective and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These are obvious statements but need to be said. There are still many patrons of the arts that believe in the purity of individuality and expression regardless of art community trends or the opinions of people living South of Houston Street in New York or La Rive Droite en Paris. Shanghai is the home of a modern day wealthy patron that chose to stand in the face of contemporary trends and chose to have strong nationalistic ties to her heritage, culture and art community. The person I am talking about is Pearl Lam. Wealthy socialite and patron of the ever-growing Shanghai art community. Pearl Lam is so DTI it hurts. She is like the Medici’s and Louis the 14th rolled into one. Pearl Lam a socialite jet setter that is known for her flamboyant couture shopping spree’s in Paris and in the opposite spectrum an outspoken advocate for Chinese art and artists. Pearl is the daughter of a wealthy Hong Kong Banking and Textiles tycoon(Lim Por-yen).

click here for Pearl Lams gallery
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A Promise to the readers of DTI

Friday, August 8, 2008
Boats N Hoes (Music Video)- Step Brothers
Maybe One of the Greatest Scenes in Cinema History
why. because I can't sleep
A Final Video for your enjoyment - This act is not from Brooklyn (Im pretty sure)
An amazing remix of this song can be found on Hypem. Its a 'Twelves Remix'
Brooklyn Must have somethin in the Water
Charles Hamilton - showing why he's gonna cause a stir in Hip-Hop. Look out Kanye and Lupee. New ALbum Nov. 10
DJ Green Lantern - Freestyle - Part One
Part Two
Charles Hamilton (myspace)
Pretty Much the HOTTEST artist coming out of Brooklyn
Les Artistes
My Drive Thru
Santogold NME Interview
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Few Pics from the Dejour Magazine / Cobrasnake jam
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday Night Shenanigans

So to start this post. It's not going to be an informative piece about a musician, clothing line, art or industrial design from Norway. This post is going to help me piece together and recount the intensity of Saturday July 19th till Sunday Evening July 20th. I will have to omit some parts of the story for self preservation purposes, but here we go. I have the unforunate position in life at this moment where I often find myself working on weekends (not my choice), but it's good money. So I get off work at 11:00pm and proceed to drive home and create what some might call one of the greatest mix cd's ever made. It has the power to entrance, create mayhem and enrage the proletariat. After I proceed to gather identification, social lubricant (The new Grey Goose mickey) and my amazing new mix, I proceed to hop into a car that far exceeds my salary level now and for probably a couple years to come. It's not stolen and I don't "hustle" on the block. It's my fathers. I then proceed in this fine German Driving Machine down the 401 in lovely Southern Ontario with beats cranked and the city lights of Toronto off in the distance. There is a slight drizzle occurring and I make note of this while consistently checking my blind spots and adjusting my speed, while keeping my hands at 10 & 2. I'm consistent. I notice in my rear view mirror that a car is coming up behind me at quite a pace and I'm wondering what the hell someone is doing crowding me on an empty highway at 12:30 in the morning. It just so happens that it was a Police Officer that was suggesting I should pull over. I then decided to comply with the officers order to pull over and I thought to myself how can I diffuse the situation. In general I over analyze situations and I thought to myself. If I really want to make the Cobrasnake after party and avoid a ticket I must find the perfect track on my mix cd to play while the officer approaches the car. I decided against hip-hop, because I fear the connotations a police officer might come up with of a young man driving a car that most likely exceeds his means at 12:30 in the morning while blaring hip-hop. Even I know how this would end. I then decide against electronic music, because he'll probably assume I'm "on" something or going to be supplying the "something" to a party later that evening. So I narrowed my choices; two retro tracks on the disc. Either Van Halens 'Jump' or The theme song from COPS 'Bad Boys' by Inner Circle. (I kid you not) Earlier that day I felt an urge to put this song on the cd and it saved me. I rolled down the window and as the officer was approaching the car the song came on and he actually began to laugh. He then proceeded to tell me that I was a bit over the speed limit and it was somewhat rainy, so I should watch my speed. He then told me that I helped fulfill a dream of his as a cop to hear the COPS Theme while on duty. We both laughed and I didn't pay a ticket. Fin.
I made the party. More to come
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Wonder from Down Under

I was exhausted but I couldn’t sleep. I thought that I would go check my email but something drew me to the hype machine at 3am where I was presented with a glimpse into the future of electro. Ed Banger and the guys from France were doing great things, there has also been scenes exploding in London, New York, Detroit, San Francisco, Toronto and Paris, but new contenders from down under are showing the relics of 2007 where electro can go. Australia has been churning out some incredible dj’s and amazing beats but I believe the new guy on the block is gonna cause a stir. His name is Redial and he’s from Sydney. His electro beats have some serious Shaolin style. His music can be described as an onslaught to the senses. When I hear his music I think of raving at Base Camp on Everest, racing Ducatis’ in Prague or the image of Barbaric Germanic tribes sweeping over the Roman Empire causing mayhem and destruction. Redial is one hell of a producer and in the new age of online music and international party scenes and dj’s, I am sure the Redial will become a regular on the circuit. I look forward to what ever is coming next from ‘The Wonder from Down Under’(I coined this). Also for some reason the song ‘1985’ feat. Smackdown has some incredible Van Halen-esque synth sounds. Let me know what you think. Enjoy
Redial - 1985 (ft. Smackdown) right click to download
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
KillRoi Clothing - DTI Exclusive

We both have backgrounds in and a love for design, art and fashion. While driving and roadtripping we'd often brainstorm design ideas. I think we kept going back to the idea of designing a clothing line because we would see so many of our ideas on racks or in ads months, sometimes years, after we talked about it. The next logical step was to stop talking about it and take action.
What do you love about fashion?

I love that fashion has a spectrum of functions: on one end it can be an outlet of someone's personality or creativity, on the other end it is wearable art. In between, it is an artist's inspiration brought to life on the runway or experimentation that pushes the boundaries of possibility.
We're not fans of how "fast-fashion" has monopolized the market with cheap quality, low-priced stuff. We also hate how cookie-cutter big boxes have dominated the minds of the masses establishing conservative/boring styles the norm of how to dress. KillRoi is out to change that.
Why the environmentally friendly clothing? Is this a company philosophy or a

Where do you get your inspiration for design and artwork?
We're inspired by our environment and our daily lives: Canada, urban culture, as well as fellow artists and designers.
Talia: I'm also inspired by aspiring fashion designers and trendsetters of all ages: kids are very creative and confident; teens and twenty-somethings have great ideas; any new talent that has a solid vibe inspires me; and I love Montreal grandmas rocking artsy-fartsy randomness.

What designers do you admire and also inspire you?
Talia: In general, I love and I'm intriguide by assymitry, minimalism, and complexness of Japanese design. Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen just about always intrigue me, needless to say that I'll watch back-to-back episodes of Fashion TV no matter what.
Dan: I get inspiration across the board... geometric proportions, like Malevich of the Russian avant-garde movement; clean lines, balance and harmony; composition. All of these play a strong role in my inspiration.
What music suits your clothing?
We listen to everything from classic jazz to grime. We dont' feel that KillRoi clothing speaks to only one style of music as long as it's inspiring,

Someone wearing KillRoi, what would be the first song they listen to in the morning and the last song they listen to in the evening?
What piece of clothing or style do you want to bring back or be unique for KillRoi?
If KillRoi was a movie.. what movie would it be?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Bonnaroo Music Festival 08'- Special Edition (Manchester, Tennessee)
Christian radio stations, churches and adult bookstores were scattered along the highways in Ohio and Kentucky.
Arrived 8:30 AM- the security check.
“Are there any drugs in the vehicle?” (Guard)
We replied “No”. But they searched us anyway.
Security proceeded to tell us about some of the contraband they had confiscated, which included massive amounts of marijuana, cocaine, weapons ranging from ammunition, swords, machetes to the strange find of a chainsaw with one group. I knew that Bonnaroo would be my own ‘Heart of Darkness’ so I proceeded down the rabbit hole.
Various drug dealers approached us within an hour of arriving. These nefarious chemists of the concert scene had an assortment drugs that would blow ones mind (and probably did). Mescaline, Opium, Ecstasy, Pot, Mushroom a cornucopia of illegal goodies…
Kanye West – Kanye had delayed his show to the late evening so he could unveil his new stage show that involved glow in the dark props. I was a little out of it by a quarter to five in the morning. I was somewhat lucid by 5. The entire set up for Kanye was sci fi story where he became stuck on a planet and there was a robot on his spaceship that he would talk to between songs.. He closed with ‘stronger. In my personal opinion it was incendiary. It was dark when he started and light when he finished. Not unlike ancient Egypt Kanye praised Ra the sun God and let the fans see an unparallel show.
Mstrkrft- What I do remember from Mstrkrft is the energy. Constant beat. I fell asleep waiting for Mstrkrft to come on and as soon as they started to unleash their rock/electro/beat style and I had an abundance of energy. The crowd
To sum up the experience, one word: Incensant (look it up)
Photos by A. Cook and story written by A. Cook
and DTI