I am writing about a man who paid himself one of the largest salaries in history. The reason for this post is because of it's shocking correlations to the DTI philosophy. Gordon Gecko and many of those wanna be financial hipsters in their 20's and 30's could take a page out of John Paulsons book. Ranked as America's 165th richest man, (according to the assets that we know of...) John Paulson is the President of one of America's most successful Hedge Funds, Paulson & Co., Inc. Paulson does one thing very well, he makes wealthy people even wealthier. There's an epidemic in the world where the middle class is getting smaller and all that money has to go somewhere. Paulson is helping create rich people into super rich people, after all what would some middle class schmuck do with 30 or 40 million dollars. Probably buy himself a new Ford F150 (which isn't DTI). Paulson is leading by example, in the past year after the sub prime mortgage fiasco, Paulson was able to predict this crash (along with many other Hedge Fund Managers...not difficult it was kind of a no brainer) The only difference is that when thousands of Americans were loosing their homes and European banks were freaking out over massive losses, Paulson paid himself between 3 and 4 billion dollars last year. Which according to the wall street journal is one of Wall Streets biggest pay outs of all time. Lets hope next year is even better and Paulson can top his DTI ways. I think it's amazing that people can do this, I agree he provides a wonderful service and makes people millions and billions, but everyone knows real wealth is judged on whether or not you could create your on 'A-Team'. Congrats to John Paulson, DTI man of the month.
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